You'd imagine that someone would have noticed before it was installed. (story)
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Smith called La Crosse police about 3:30 p.m. reporting her 19-year-old son and his wife refused to leave her home at 1000 Redfield St., reports stated.Smith was booked and released on a signature bond.
The son and daughter-in-law told officers Smith uses marijuana almost daily and keeps pipes in the house and garage.
Smith said she smoked marijuana once with the couple. She turned over a red and black bong to police that she claimed belonged to her son.
“We have an adult female consistently… seeking out a 15- to 16-year-old to have sex with,” Commonwealth’s Attorney Randy Krantz said during the sentencing hearing.Today, Hackworth was sentenced to three months for each carnal knowledge charge totaling six months incarceration with credit for time served which, incidentally, has been at least six months. Ten-year sentences on abduction charges were suspended.
Krantz told Bedford County Circuit Court Judge James Updike he had to concede the boy didn’t “put up much of a fight,” but said the case was problematic because the contact continued after Hackworth was arrested once.
The woman hid the boy at her home away from his mother, who did not approve of the relationship, the prosecutor said.
The carnal knowledge charges stem from encounters in October and December 2009, according to court records. The abduction charges came from incidents in March, the records showed.
A Santa Rosa entrepreneur who was working with a business in India to promote electric motorcycles in that country has died in a car-motorcycle crash near a California shopping mall.The Prius driver wasn't hurt.
Santa Rosa Police Sgt. Doug Schlief says 29-year-old Matthew Dieckmann was riding an electric motorcycle near the Coddingtown Mall at about 10:40 a.m. Monday when a Toyota Prius collided with the cycle.
Schlief says Dieckmann hit the car's passenger side. He died at the scene.
In this provocative, wide-ranging study, Robert C. Smith contends that ideological conservatism and racism are and always have been equivalent in the United States. In this carefully constructed and thoroughly documented philosophical, historical, and empirical inquiry, Smith analyzes conservative ideas from John Locke to William F. Buckley Jr., as well as the parallels between the rise and decline of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1970s and the ascendancy of the conservative movement to national power in 1980. Using archival material from the Reagan library, the book includes detailed analysis of the Reagan presidency and race, focusing on affirmative action, the Voting Rights act, the Grove City case, welfare reform, South Africa policy, and the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Conservatism and Racism, and Why in America They are the Same goes beyond a focus on the right wing, concluding with an analysis of the enduring impact of the conservative movement and the Reagan presidency on liberalism, race, and the Democratic Party.
Security sources said that the Algerian army killed 10 gunmen suspected of belonging to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, during a special operation near Tizi Ouzou in the Kabylie region, east of Algiers.Heh.
Al Watan newspaper said in its Sunday's edition that the operation was launched at dawn on Saturday after the Algerian security authorities got information about the existence of an armed group in the region.
Three suspected al Qaeda members were killed on Thursday by the Algerian army near Tadmait in Tizi-Ouzou, about 100 km east of Algiers.
Two men taken off a Chicago-to-Amsterdam United Airlines flight in the Netherlands have been charged by Dutch police with “preparation of a terrorist attack,” U.S. law enforcement officials tell ABC News.Two Muslim men were arrested, Ahmed Nasser Al-Soofi and Hezem Al-Murisi.
U.S. officials said the two appeared to be travelling with what were termed “mock bombs” in their luggage. “This was almost certainly a dry run, a test,” said one senior law enforcement official.
An effigy of a pig has been left in the mailbox of a California Muslim organization as a protest against the proposed Islamic centre in New York City.This story is being reported in Muslim countries and, boy, are people pissed. Oddly, thus far it seems to be missing from American media. Curious, eh?
The Sacramento Valley chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for an investigation of the incident, which it has referred to as a hate crime.
Homicide Lt. Lew Roberts, speaking in general terms, said several of the recent cases can be traced to the same cause.1) August 7 - Phil Testa, 74, fatally shot his wife Angelina, 79, then himself.
"At this point it appears that maybe the economy is starting to take effect, which is something we haven't seen before," he said.
Being a mama's boy, new research suggests, may be good for your mental health. That, at least, is the conclusion of a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association by Carlos Santos, a professor at Arizona State University's School of Social and Family Dynamics.
Santos recently conducted a study that followed 426 boys through middle school to investigate the extent to which the boys favor stereotypically male qualities such as emotional stoicism and physical toughness over stereotypically feminine qualities such as emotional openness and communication, and whether that has any influence on their mental well-being. His main finding was that the further along the boys got in their adolescence, the more they tended to embrace hypermasculine stereotypes. But boys who remained close to their mothers did not act as tough and were more emotionally available. Closeness to fathers did not have the same effect, his research found.
Using a mental-health measure called the Children's Depression Inventory, he also found that boys who shunned masculine stereotypes and remained more emotionally available had, on average, better rates of mental health through middle school. "If you look at the effect size of my findings, mother support and closeness was the most predictive of boys' ability to resist [hypermasculine] stereotypes and therefore predictive of better mental health," Santos says. He adds that his research did not examine why a close mother-son relationship differed in its effect from a close father-son bond, but he suspects that fathers use stereotypically male behaviors to guide their sons into adulthood. "It could be, men see close relationships with their sons as an opportunity to reinforce traditional gender roles," he says. (See a story on mothers who opt for breast milk, not breast-feeding.)
An affidavit filed with her arrest warrant said a collection agent for Sioux Falls Federal Credit Union incorrectly deposited $3,376.83 into her account April 16.If convicted, Vandenbosch is looking at a possible 10-year stretch in prison.
Vandenbosch reportedly withdrew $3,000 on April 22, $400 on April 28 and $100 on May 3.
The warrants state that Dadje took pictures of the girl on her bed in sexually suggestive poses that exposed her genitalia and buttocks. Investigators also wrote in the warrants that Dadje admitted to taking pictures of the boy's genitalia.Dadje was booked into custody at the Wake County Jail with bond set at $100,000.
There has been more bloodshed in Russia's North Caucasus region over the weekend, with at least 28 militants and four policemen killed in clashes, according to Russian security services.This is more evidence that the Islamists are not only at war with the West, they are a war with everybody -- even themselves.
Media reports in Russia say at least 10 militants and two policemen are reported to have been killed when gunmen attacked the home village of Chechnya's president.
There was more bloodshed early Sunday in the neighbouring republic of Dagestan.
"During the teens and the twenties, when people didn't eat salads, only sissies ate salads -- or French people."She then smiled at Mr. Pepin who strained to smile back.
French police have arrested two teenage girls they say stole hundreds of euros from unsuspecting cash machine customers - after distracting them by flashing their breasts.Unarmed robberies?
The 14-year old girls were taken to the Paris prosecutor's office to face charges while a 12 year-old accomplice was placed in a home, police said.
A pair of thieves in Paris have come up with a cunning new way of distracting their victims in order to get their hands on their cash: using their feminine charms.Frankly, I suggest there was more than one attractive pair hanging around during the commission of the crime.
The unsuspecting victim was entering his PIN when one of the women flashed her breasts at him. The second woman put her hands on the man’s crotch whilst stealing his cash.[…]
The women are described as good looking women in their early twenties. French police are now on the look out for an attractive pair hanging around cash points.
In a filing this week in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the Justice Department said that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."Justice delayed or justice ignored? Readers can make the call.
The student involved in the affair allegedly “made out” with the woman a half-dozen times in her homeroom class, E-139, during the second and fourth periods when no one else was there, according to the affidavit.[…]That's different. Zeo starts her sentence on September 27. The delay wasn't explained.
During the second week of May 2009, Zeo and the teen arranged to meet at a shopping center where a Giant Food is located in Montgomery Township. The teenager drove his family car there; Zeo a green minivan.
After rendezvousing in the parking lot in front of a vacant store at about 8:30 p.m., the teacher invited the student into her minivan. Once inside, the two sat on a rear bench seat, kissing and fondling one another for about a half-hour, then split up and went home, authorities allege.
The two arranged a second meeting via Facebook a few days later and again rendezvoused at the shopping center. During sexual foreplay, Zeo offered the teen a condom and they had sexual intercourse. She reportedly retrieved the condom afterward and put it in a grocery bag.[episode revisited]
"Here, let me offer you a condom."
(tick, tick, tick, tick, ....)
"Finished? Give it here so I can pack it with my groceries."
She and the student met several times in her classroom through the middle of this month, the release said.Zoe has been suspended from her teaching position. Her arraignment is scheduled for today.
Zeo also had an inappropriate relationship over the Internet with another male North Penn student, according to the press release. That relationship involved sexually explicit Internet chats and several invitations from Zeo for him to visit her classroom when she was alone so they could have sex, the release said.
When asked about the allegations of inappropriate conduct with students, Zeo admitted having a sexual relationship with one of the students, the news release said.
"MoveOn.org is up to its usual tricks rallying support for a boycott of Target because Target gave $150,000 to gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, a Republican from Minnesota. They try to demonize Target for using corporate monies to support Emmer and influence democracy.
This is the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling which allows corporations to donate unlimited sums of money directly to political candidates."
(Kagawa, Japan) Police said Wednesday that they discovered around 100 pairs of women’s panties at the home of an elementary school teacher’s home in Sakaide city on Tuesday after using a hidden camera on the victim’s terrace to record the thief in the act.Interestingly, the women's panty thefts occur with such predictability that many Japanese women actually take precautions to prevent it.
The suspect, Ryosuke Iwasaki, 28, was arrested for stealing after he was recorded snagging a pair of panties from the clothesline of a 27-year-old local woman some time between 5 a.m. on July 23 and 9 a.m. on July 24. A search of Iwasaki’s home later revealed a stash of around 100 undergarments.
According to police, the woman had noticed her underwear had gradually gone missing since March, and after making a complaint in June, authorities decided to hide a camera on her balcony to try and catch the perpetrator.
When she saw Hirano get into a car parked outside, she reported the licence plate number to police, Kyodo News reported.A police search of Hirano's home resulted in finding 150 female garments, including panties, bras, and knee-high boots.
"At first glance, I knew 'she' was a 'he,'" she reportedly told police.
"I apologize to the family, and I feel bad," Franco-Avina said. "Believe it or not, I lost my family, too. Because of this, I'm here alone, and my family is in Mexico."Meanwhile, the Haynes family is devastated by the loss of Aaron Haynes, first-grade teacher, husband and father. Sadly, his 10-month-old son is destined to grow up without ever knowing his daddy.
Franco-Avina wept as he talked about his ailing mother and the children he will never see again.
The body of the agent, who was in his 30s, was discovered stuffed in a large sports bag in his bath in a flat just a few hundred yards from the headquarters of MI6. It is understood the man had been stabbed, possibly several times, and his body was decomposing when it was found.It's curious that it took a couple weeks before anyone noticed he was missing. Or, maybe they didn't notice. It's a mystery.
Elsewhere in the top-floor flat - in a bizarre ritualistic scene - his mobile telephone and a collection of SIM cards were carefully laid out.
The dead man was understood to have been employed as a communications officer at the Government's ' listening post' - better known as GCHQ in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. But it is thought he was on secondment to the headquarters at MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service, near the flat.
MI6 gathers secret information about Britain's overseas enemies, making the spy a possible target of terrorists.
The victim, thought to have a doctorate in maths from Cambridge University, was described by neighbours as mild-mannered and a keen cyclist.
The man lived in a street where houses sell for more than £1million, and it has been cordoned off at both ends since Monday night. Access is being granted only to residents.
Its details are hidden because it is registered in the British Virgin Islands and is not listed with Companies House.Heh.
The word "rodina" means "motherland" in Russian and Bulgarian.
"People should stop calling heroin users "junkies" or "addicts", an influential think tank on drugs has said. The UK Drug Policy Commission said such names stigmatised users and made it more difficult to get off drugs.
Its report suggested that the policing of drugs on the streets and methadone programmes forcing users to go to chemists were "publicly humiliating".
Instead, the study said that British society needed to show more compassion towards drug users. Authors of the six-month report said the terms "junkie" and "addict" were distrustful and judgmental and led to feelings of low self-worth among drug users.
"The crux of this problem, I'm afraid, is the persistent view that drug addiction is the problem of the addict," he said. [It isn't??]
‘Although we are at the very start of exploration in the basin, the discovery of gas in thin sands is indicative of an active hydrocarbon system,’ said the statement. ‘The well has not yet reached target depth.'It appears that the environmentalists are not concerned about drilling if nothing is discovered. But let something be discovered and then they protest. One could argue that they are opposed to any exploitation of natural resources.
Cairn Energy has two offshore rigs currently operating in the previously undrilled Baffin Bay Basin. Test drilling began about a month and a half ago.
The gas was found in an area between western Greenland and Canada, and the discovery has already caught the eye of other oil firms, governments, and environmental organizations, including Greenpeace and the WWF, who are heavily protesting against the drilling being permitted.
There is much, however, that the reports do not reveal. Among the important details removed from them were the names of the mistakenly released prisoners, the names of the institutions they were released from, and significant facts about why the releases happened.Not good. Managerial controls need to be improved.
The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services said the disclosure of prisoners’ names would have violated privacy laws. Other information was not divulged, the ministry said, because some of the 143 prisoners were young offenders.
But asked how many were young offenders, the ministry said, “This information is not readily available.” And asked how many, if any, of the 143 had been in jail on charges of murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, armed robbery, assault with a weapon and other serious offences, the ministry also said this information was not readily available.
It issued the same response when asked how many of the prisoners were at large for more than one month, more than six months, or never rearrested at all.
"We would like to see more effective policies, primarily aimed at fighting terrorism and drugs," he said.According to Nazarov, Russia's contribution to the U.S.-NATO effort is the military transit agreement. Heh.
Drug trafficking from Afghanistan is raising concern in Russia; but the coalition forces are not focusing on it as much as they should, he said. Their anti-drug efforts should be more professional and involve more special forces and equipment.
This approach would have reduced civilian casualties, which are unacceptably high now. The secret documents on the Afghan war recently publicized by Wikileaks have confirmed Russia's fears. [ed. bold]
Russian officials have repeatedly warned the international community that regular armed forces are poorly suited for fighting terrorism; Russia has leaned that from experience.
Calise told police that she left Aaliyah in the tub for a few seconds to tend to her own child and heard a noise from the bathroom. She said that when she came back the toddler was limp and she immediately called 911, according to Summit County Sheriff Deputy William Holland.Calise was booked into custody at the Summit County Jail with bond set at $500,000.
But when Aaliyah arrived at the hospital, deputies were informed that he injuries did not support Calise's version of events and she was arrested Aug. 11 for child endangerment, according to WOIO.
Those charges have since been upgraded to murder following Aaliyah's death, according to a news release issued by the Summit County Sheriff's Office Tuesday.
The coroner's office would not confirm the cause of death but did say that Aaliyah suffered from bleeding on the skull and other head injuries that were not consistent with a fall in a bathtub, according to the Akron Beacon Journal.
Samples taken from relatives of the Nazi leader show that he is biologically linked to the 'sub-human' races he sought to exterminate.Heh.
Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren used DNA to track down 39 of the Fuhrer's relatives earlier this year.
They included an Austrian farmer revealed only as a cousin called Norbert H.
A Belgian news magazine has reported that samples of saliva taken from these people strongly suggest Hitler had antecedents he certainly would not have cared for.
A chromosome called Haplopgroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe.
'It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,' Mr Vermeeren said.
'One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised,' adds Mr Mulders in the magazine, Knack.
The sex charges stemmed from a complaint filed with the Morgan County Department of Human Resources that accused Hurst of rape of an underage boy, according to the district attorney’s office.Sentencing is scheduled for November 17 before Circuit Judge Glenn Thompson.
A grand jury indicted Hurst on Aug. 4, 2009.
Williams told deputies the mother of one of the boys her permission to have a relationship with the teen because the mother realized the couple would see each other behind her back anyway.Williams was booked into custody at the Columbia County Jail.
"Swedish prosecutors withdrew an arrest warrant for the founder of WikiLeaks on Saturday, saying less than a day after the document was issued that it was based on an unfounded accusation of rape.
They said that for the moment Julian Assange remains suspected of the lesser crime of molestation in a separate case.
But Karin Rosander, a spokeswoman for the Swedish Prosecution Authority, told NBC News that the allegation of molestation remains. However, Rosander said that after a new prosecutor looked at the allegations, the arrest warrant was withdrawn because the severity of the case does not require an arrest at this stage.
A WikiLeaks spokesman, who says he goes by the name Daniel Schmitt in order to protect his identity, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Iceland that the "extremely serious allegations" came as a complete surprise and that efforts to find lawyers for Assange are under way.... "We were warned to expect 'dirty tricks.' Now we have the first one," it said.
Assange was in Sweden last week partly to apply for a publishing certificate to make sure the website, which has servers in Sweden, can take full advantage of Swedish laws protecting whistle-blowers.
During the investigation, officers discovered Garcia allowed the 12-year-old to drive her and her three children – ages three, two, and one — in a minivan. The officers found the children were not properly restrained in the vehicle and noticed a large amount of debris in the back seat.Garcia was booked into custody at the Johnson County Jail with bond set at $10,000.
Garcia, who is seven months pregnant with her fourth child, told officers the 12-year-old was weaving all over the road and almost went into a ditch. Garcia allegedly began yelling at the child and told her to stop driving the minivan. Garcia then began to drive the vehicle herself.
The dispute over the Islamic center has tripped some deep national lunacy. The unbottled anger and suspicion concerning ground zero show that many Americans haven’t flushed the trauma of 9/11 out of their systems — making them easy prey for fearmongers.Dowd goes on to claim that America is Islamophobic and prejudiced which she blames on radio-host Rush Limbaugh and evangelist Franklin Graham.
A report states the adults "smoked marijuana" with the girl before they had sex with her and each other.Bowns and Ferrera were booked into custody at the Pasco County Jail. Bowns was subsequently released. Ferrera is being held on $20,000 bail.
"A Native American tribe is calling on New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to either apologize or resign after he said on a radio show that Gov. David Paterson -- who's trying to rustle up millions in cigarette taxes from the tribes -- should grab "a cowboy hat and a shotgun" and demand the money.
The mayor made the comments last week during an on-air discussion about the cigarette tax the state of New York wants to impose on Indian tribes starting Sept. 1. The hike has already touched off a court battle, but Bloomberg called for Paterson to flex some frontier justice.
That didn't sit well with the New York tribes. "If it were any other race of people, he would really have been ridiculed over the words that he said," said J.C. Seneca, a Tribal Council member with the Seneca Nation of Indians.
The nation said that the mayor should resign "effective immediately" over his "inflammatory and racially insensitive" remarks -- or at least apologize.
But Bloomberg is not backing down. Spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti said the mayor is not planning to apologize or resign. "There will not be an apology forthcoming," she said. "What the New York City mayor's office is looking to do is to have the tribes follow the law."
The Swedish Prosecution Authority released a statement on Saturday morning in which it revealed that the warrant was based on “one report of rape and one report of harassment. A warrant has been put out for the person's arrest since there is a risk that he could hamper the investigation.”Assange sent an email to a Stockholm news source denying the allegations.
Assange spent time with one of the women at an apartment in Södermalm in Stockholm on Saturday night, while he met the other women in the nearby town of Enköping, according to Expressen. The prosecution authority said Assange was suspected of rape in the Enköping case and harassment in Stockholm.
Assistant public defender Tracy Brown said Raedeke had no prior criminal offenses and was remorseful. She said an older couple from Raedeke's church had agreed to take her in if she were released.As a result, Circuit Judge Ted House sentenced Raedeke to seven years in prison on each count, to be served concurrently. She was also ordered to register as a sex offender.
Assistant prosecutor Rebecca Shaffar said the victim missed 52 days of school and had to receive extensive counseling. She said Raedeke should serve prison time. "I don't think she should be treated any differently because she's a female," she said.
Wilkins "took the dog bowl from the front yard and admitting hitting (the man's) work truck. Hitting the driver's side door and busting out the front windshield."Wilkins was booked into custody with bond set at $5,000. The man wasn't charged.
Wilkins allegedly caused more than $200 damage to the truck. The warrant did not indicate how much Wilkins expected to be paid for the sex act.
Prosecutor Jack Campbell says he wanted to ensure that Nagel's record would serve as a warning to any future employers that Nagel should not work with children.The judge prohibited Nagel from having any contact with her victim or children (except her own).
He says while the text messages sent between Nagel and the student were explicit and inappropriate, he could not prove that the two ever had sex.
The Sheriff’s Office was first alerted to a possible sexual relationship between the teacher and student last November by the Department of Children and Families, [Leon County Sheriff's Sgt.] Drzewiecki said in a release.Nagel was booked into custody at the Leon County Jail with bond set at $5,000 on each charge.
During that investigation, detectives discovered that Nagel and the boy had called or texted each other thousands of times between Sept. 1, 2008, and Jan. 26 of this year, according to a report released Wednesday night. Many of the text messages between Nagel and the victim were sexually explicit, the Sheriff’s Office reported.
A detective interviewed both Nagel and the student about the allegations and both denied any sexual or inappropriate relationship existed or had occurred. [...]
During this investigation, Nagel and the victim maintained their relationship was not of a sexual or inappropriate nature; however, after an investigation, which included interviews and obtaining cell phone records of text messages, it appears Nagel and the victim were sexually involved, the Sheriff’s Office reported.
Nowak, who flew on a space shuttle mission in 2006, was arrested after making a 900-mile drive from Houston to Orlando in 2007 to confront a rival for the affections of space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein.The Naval Board of Inquiry will send its recommendations to SecNav Ray Maybus who will make the final decision on Nowak.
Nowak was terminated as an astronaut by NASA soon after her arrest, and she was reassigned to Corpus Christi Naval Air Station.
In November, she pleaded guilty to felony burglary and misdemeanor battery. Nowak was given a year's probation on the civilian criminal convictions.
"A federal appeals court says the 14 crosses erected along state highways to commemorate fallen Utah Highway Patrol troopers are a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that the memorials had the effect of conveying a state endorsement or preference of a certain religion.
The ruling reverses a 2007 judge's decision that the crosses communicate a secular message about deaths and were not an illegal public endorsement of religion.
The Texas-based American Atheists Inc., sued to have the crosses removed from state property. The group claimed that without context the crosses imply that trooper who died there was a Christian. [Rubbish! All sorts of people who were not religious during their lives have Christian rites at burial for purely social reasons]
The cartoon shows two men in Auschwitz looking at several dead bodies. "I don't think they are Jews", says one man. The one man replies: "We have to get to the 6,000,000 (figure) somehow'. Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust.The court fined the AEL a sum of 2,500 euros and imposed a two-year probation period on its activities.
Montag said she made the confession to police after she had taken heavy doses of medication for her bipolar disorder.Interestingly, there have been a number of convicted female sex offenders who have been diagnosed or professed as bipolar. Is it possible that the bipolar condition leads to sexual perversion in women?
“They were badgering me and badgering me,” she said, later adding, “This is not the first time I said things I didn’t do.”
Jones said Montag’s statements amounted to denial.
“There’s no remorse,” he said. “Not once does she say, ‘I’m sorry for what I put this 14-year-old through.’ It’s all about herself.”
Montag said the relationship with the boy began with her efforts to help him “not have sex.” She claimed the boy was removed from a previous state placement because of sexual activity.
“I was trying to help him sexually ... and it backfired, and it looks horrible,” she said. She did not elaborate on what she was doing to help him, and prosecutors said none of her previous statements explain that claim.
Weber County sheriff's deputies were called to Montag's home in Hooper on Wednesday and told she'd been caught by a family member in her bedroom with her 14-year-old foster son, who was naked, according to court records.Reportedly, Montag admitted to having sexual encounters with the boy.
According to the China Daily, the ceramic statue depicts an eight-legged Bruce Lee, known as Li Xiaolong in Chinese, balancing world famous monuments on each foot.Eight legs, eh? It's easy to see why he was known as an ass-kicker.
These include the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, Shanghai's Oriental Pearl Tower, and the Bird's Nest, or National Olympic Stadium, in Beijing.
"We hope it can compete with the Statue of Liberty. But our sculpture, 'The Kung Fu God of 1,000 Legs', is meant to symbolize Chinese wisdom, creativity and health," an artist Shu Yong, said.[…]
The towering sculpture, which looks like a stop-motion capture of Lee doing one of his explosive high kicks, is expected to be ready by next year.
The Osage County District Attorney says he intends to file second degree rape charges against Fry on Monday.After booking at the Osage County Jail, Fry was released. A court appearance is scheduled for August 27.
A former student tells Osage county investigators he had sex with Fry at her home in Hominy last September, when he was still a student in her special needs class at Hominy High School.
Arrest affidavit show Fry's husband confronted the teen over the phone, after discovering text messages between the two. The teen says he ended their relationship following the confrontation.
"A movement to eliminate references to the disabled as "mentally retarded" from laws and regulations gained steam this week after New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed legislation replacing the terms with "intellectual disability" and "developmental disability."
This month, the U.S. Senate passed a similar bill and the House will take up its version next month.
While advocates for the disabled have campaigned for years against the R-word, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel drew attention to the issue this year when he apologized for privately calling a group of liberal Democrats "retarded" last year. Sarah Palin, who has a son with Down syndrome, criticized Emanuel in a Facebook posting.
Prosecution witness Tasneem, 36, who does not wish her surname to be published, has worn the burqa since the age of 17 and wanted to wear it while giving evidence.Defense attorneys raised the burqa issue fearing that jurors wouldn't be able to read the facial expressions of a witness.
The fraud trial of former Muslim school director Anwar Sayed is due to resume with a new jury in October.
Sayed is accused of fraudulently obtaining up to $752,000 in state and federal grants by falsifying roll numbers for the Muslim Ladies College of Australia in Kenwick, south of Perth, in 2006.
The incident happened about 3 a.m. Feb. 20 at Roberts’ home at 604 1/2 Fillmore St. Roberts and Bates forced the victim to perform a sex act on both of them against her will, Roberts’ arrest affidavit states.Roberts is scheduled to be sentenced on September 16. Lonnie Bates is scheduled to go to trial next week.
Roberts and Bates punched the victim numerous times and threatened to kill her if she did not do what they demanded, the affidavit states.
Roberts admitted to police that she punched the victim and told her she was not allowed to leave, the affidavit states.
The victim required emergency medical treatment at Genesis Medical Center, West Central Park, Davenport, the affidavit states.
According to a decree signed by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, shops in the Russian capital will no longer be able to sell drinks containing more than 15 per cent alcohol between 10:00 pm and 10:00 am.I suspect the plan, slated to become effective on September 1, will fail to curb consumption. People will find a way to get their hooch.
This will prevent Muscovites from buying strong spirits like vodka and cognac late at night but will not affect sales of beer and wine. It remains to be seen how the ban will be implemented.
"Missouri's tight restrictions on protests and picketing outside military funerals were tossed out by a federal judge Monday, over free speech concerns.
A small Kansas church had brought suit over its claimed right to loudly march outside the burials and memorial services of those killed in overseas conflicts. The state legislature had passed a law to keep members of the Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church from demonstrating within 300 feet of such private services.
The mother of the 14-year-old teen reported Barrera to police on Monday, according to the arrest affidavit.Barrera was booked into custody at the St. Lucie County Jail with bail set at $30,000.
The teenager told police he and Barrera had sex numerous times between Aug. 20 and Nov. 17, the affidavit said. Besides the word of the teenager, investigators also found text messages from Barrera to the boy where she talks about their sexual activity, the Port St. Lucie police report said.
Michigan State Police Trooper Marc Moore, the lead investigator in the case, said the allegations came to light in early May when the parents of the 16-year-old approached police with information that Holdship had had sexual contact with their son.Holdship was booked into custody and released on $50,000 bond.
A followup interview substantitated (sic) the claim that Holdship did engage in sexual activity with the teenage victim in January, Moore said. In the course of the investigation, sexually explicit images of the defendant and victim were discovered. Moore said investigators found Holdship’s phone after getting a search warrant to search their residence, and they found evidence of the charges. Holdship was cooperative, and during an interview, disclosed the existence of a second victim, the 15-year-old. Her statements also revealed that inappropriate texts had been exchanged between herself and the second victim, Moore said.
The criminal sexual conduct charges stem from one incident with the 16-year-old, but in the case of the 15-year-old, the charges involve multiple sexual encounters and also texting and sexting during about 1 1/2 months between the fall of 2008 and March 2009. Although Holdship worked as a substitute teacher, Moore said he did not believe the relationship with the teenagers was linked to her position working for the Wexford Missaukee Intermediate School District, which maintains a pool of substitutes which may be assigned to any school in the ISD. The lead investigator also said he did not believe Holdship used her position as a substitute teacher to persuade or entice the boys to become involved with her.
The boy told investigators that he had sex with Blossom after school and on the weekends at the high school.Blossom will be required to register as a sex offender.
The investigation began in April 2009, after the teen's parents contacted the Flowood Police Department.
Authorities said there we're at least four sexual encounters between Blossom and the student.
Blossom allegedly had a relationship with the teen, whose name is not being released, that lasted several months.Blossom was booked and released on $25,000 bond.
Flowood police began an investigation in April and issued an arrest warrant for Blossom on Sept. 9, Tucker said. Blossom turned herself in to Flowood Police on Sept. 10, Tucker said.