Tuesday, September 14, 2010

College Dean's Throat Slashed

(Kansas City, Missouri) A man, apparently under the influence of drugs and wearing a bullet-proof vest, slashed the throat of a college dean. Dean taken to hospital. Man arrested.


[Update 9/14/10, 1159 EST]

Details of the incident expose 22-year-old Casey Brezik as the assailant.
(Kansas City, Missouri) Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley student Casey Brezik, an alleged anarchist, attacked the wrong person.
For a split second [he] stared into Associate Vice Chancellor Tom Vansaghi’s eyes.

“It was as if he looked at me and then said to himself, ‘No, you’re not the one I want,’” Vansaghi recalled.

The 22-year-old student — wearing black clothes and a bullet-resistant vest — darted past Vansaghi and lunged at Al Dimmitt Jr., stabbing the campus dean of instruction in the neck.

Dimmitt, 55, fell to the floor, his attacker on top of him.

Vansaghi and MCC Chancellor Mark James wrestled the knife away and pinned the attacker down. Students and staff raced to help. Some quickly turned to Dimmitt, using their hands and later paper towels to stem the flow of blood.

Dimmitt underwent surgery at an area hospital and was in stable condition later Tuesday.

Prosecutors charged Casey Brezik of Raytown with two counts of first-degree assault and two counts of armed criminal action.
It's believed that Brezik's target was actually Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon who was scheduled to speak to students at 10 AM. Brezik started slashing at 9:35 AM.

(More at the link.)

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