Saturday, December 04, 2010

Stolen Items Allegedly Hidden in Rolls of Fat

(Edmund, Oklahoma) Two local women have been arrested for alleged shoplifting in a scheme where they stuffed $2,600-worth of stolen items between rolls of fat underneath their breasts and arms.
Police arrested 28-year-old Ailene Brown and 37-year-old Shmeco Thomas after loss prevention officers at TJ Maxx allegedly discovered the crime.

"These two individuals were actually concealing them in areas of their body where excess skin was -- under neath their chest area, up around the armpits and things of that nature. They were concealing large items."

Some of those items included a wallet and gloves as well as three pairs of jeans and four pairs of boots!
It's suspected that the women are corpulent and weigh "somewhere in the vicinity of a 1977 Oldsmobile."

Tip: slwlion

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