Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Teaching Children Oral Sex

(Montreal, Canada) Regarding the following report, might I suggest that we can thank President Bill Clinton for emphatically pointing out, during his Monica Lewinsky episode, that oral sex is not sex? Some may even recall the famous statement, "I did not have sex with that woman!"
The teacher of the girl’s Grade 8 class gave the students a pamphlet produced by the Toronto-based Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) as part of an HIV prevention campaign, reports Quebec Media Inc. (QMI).

The pamphlet provided detailed explanations about how to perform “safe” oral sex and contained a list of vulgar sexual expressions.

Andrew Byette, director of the local school board, defended the teacher’s actions, saying the flyer was marked as appropriate for teens, according to QMI Agency.

However, CATIE official Veronique Destrube said the flyer was designed for 18-year-olds, not 13-year-olds.
Protecting the innocence of youth? Readers can decide.

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