Monday, June 20, 2011

Texas Teacher Disses Fox News

(Lumberton, Texas) Regarding an incident where a 6th-grade science teacher, Mrs. Karen Talbert, allegedly chastised a 12-year-old student for watching Fox News, the student's parent writes:
"We started to tell our daughter that this was not right of her teacher and that she should not listen to the teacher’s personal views. Our daughter then told us about the time that one of her classmates was talking to another classmate and she made the comment 'Fox News said that Obama was not making good decisions.' Our daughter then told us that Mrs. Talbert went up to this girl’s desk and put her hand down on the desk and started yelling at her about how Fox News doesn’t know what they are talking about and they never tell the whole story so if you want good news and the right news you need to watch CNN. Our daughter said the classmate looked like she was going to cry because the teacher was getting so upset. As a parent, I am not concerned what news station someone else watches. My concern is that a teacher should not be giving her personal political views to students. They get enough bad influences as it is and they don’t need it from teachers too.”
Although this report is anecdotal, I suspect its nature is not uncommon.

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