Friday, September 30, 2011

Anwar al-Awlaki Killed in Yemen

Anwar al-Awlaki

Breaking News!
The US-born radical Islamist cleric and suspected al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed in Yemen, the country's defence ministry has said.

A statement said only that he died "along with some of his companions".
Reportedly, al-Awlaki was killed by Yemeni forces.

[Update 0523 EDT] From Yemen Observer:
Tribal sources said that Awlaki was killed along with other fighters in an airstrike targeted two cars carrying al-Awlaki and some other al-Qaeda fighters in Shabwah province.
Responsibility for the airstrike hasn't been reported.

[Update 0600 EDT] According to tribal sources, the airstrike was likely carried out by Americans. It hit two vehicles in Marib Province, an al-Qaeda stronghold in eastern Yemen.

However, Fox News reports that Yemeni government officials are saying they conducted the airstrike, not the U.S.

Companion post at the Jawa Report.

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