Thursday, January 19, 2012

Toddler Run Over by Truck - Updated

Chen Xianmei

(Guangzhou, China) A 58-year-old rubbish collector, Chen Xianmei, has been named a National Role Model by Xinhua News Agency for her part in trying to save a two-year-old girl run over in the street last October.
Online video showed at least 18 people walk past two-year-old Yue Yue as she lay bleeding and unconscious in the street near Guangzhou before the rubbish collector picked her up and moved her to the kerb.

Yue Yue died of her injuries after the incident but the video went viral, shocking mainlanders.

It triggered an outbreak of national soul-searching about the impact of rapid development and urbanization on society.
It's not known whether anyone has been accused or prosecuted for the death of the girl.

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People Ignore Little Girl Run Over by Truck
[Previous 10/20/11 post]
Here is an outrageous video from China. The incident depicted occurred on October 13th, around 5:30 PM, when a two-year-old girl is run over by a truck, both front and back tires.

It's difficult to understand how people can be so heartless.

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