Principal Barry Bowe
(Charlotte, North Carolina) The 54-year-old principal at the Northwest School of the Arts, Barry Bowe, reportedly committed suicide by carbon monoxide at his home on Monday.
According to police, a Charlotte-Mecklenburg school employee went to check on Dr. Bowe at this home, but got no response. That's when officers say the employee called police.It's not clear why Mr. Bowe offed himself. However, some believe there may be a link to a gun incident at the school last month.
A neighbor, who had a key to Dr. Bowe's home, let officers inside where they found his body inside a car in his garage.
CMS Interim Superintendent, Hugh Hattabaugh, called Dr. Bowe's death a tragic loss - saying the school system was very saddened that Bowe had died.
"Mr. Bowe had been at Northwest School of the Arts since 2008 and was cherished by the students, staff and families at the school," the school district said in a statement on Tuesday. "All of us at CMS are mourning the loss of a valued educator, colleague and friend. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family and friends."
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