A Jewish man who gambles on the neddies! From my ingrained Presbyterian perspective I would have thought Jews had more sense than that. On the other hand I suppose there are ways in which life is a gamble for Jews.
Anyway, this is no ordinary Jew. He is Stephen Pollard, Editor of the [British] Jewish Chronicle and a conservative. He spotted some good odds on a horse race and made an "investment", thus earning himself many hours of pleasant anticipation.
BUT: The bookie (gambling firm) he deals with tried to shaft him, reducing his odds from the previously agreed figure, which their small print allows them to do.
Pollard did not cave in. He sent several polite emails and letters to the bookies concerned (William Hill) -- but got nowhere. So he took to Twitter and the rest is history. I found it a very entertaining read. Find it here. I think that anybody who has been pushed around by large uncaring organizations (All of us?) will be grateful to Pollard for teaching one of them a condign lesson.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).
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