Thursday, May 30, 2013

Three Blank Expressions

Went to the store to pick up some odds and ends. At the register I was greeted by the cashier and her two high-school-age friends, all three yakking. They immediately clammed up when I approached, producing an awkward moment.

The cashier totaled up my purchases and declared, "That'll be fourteen fifty-seven." I figured I'd alleviate the accidentally icy situation by asking what I thought was an absolutely ridiculous question, "Isn't that when Columbus discovered the New World? In 1457?"

Three blank expressions, for a moment, then the cashier said, "I don't have any idea." Her friends were equally oblivious and, looking straight at me, shrugged.

Figuring I could help them, I said, "Sure. In fact there's a verse that goes 'Columbus sailed the ocean blue and … yada … yada … discovered America in 1457.' Isn't that right?"

Three blank expressions.

1 comment:

Wireless.Phil said...

That is how bad our schools have become.
They don't even remember the nursery rimes they were told as children.
If they were told them at all?


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