Thursday, May 09, 2013

Jim Hansen postpones the day of doom

But first he gives us a pleasant little surprise.  He confirms something that I have been repeating for some years now:  That the high surface temperature on Venus is not the result of runaway global warming but rather a simple adiabatic effect of the weight of the huge Venusian atmosphere.  Hansen writes:

"Venus today has a surface pressure of about 90 bars, compared with 1 bar on Earth. The Venus atmosphere is mostly CO2. The huge atmospheric depth and CO2 amount are the reason Venus has a surface temperature of nearly 500 degrees C."

But Hansen has invented a "get out of jail free" card for terrestrial warming called "Climate system inertia".  Now that past climate prophecies have been falsified by the temperature standstill of the last 17 years, there is an urgent need for Warmists to regroup.  And Hansen has done that by moving the goalposts.  He says that the climate is so slow to respond to input changes that it will takes centuries for the prophesied warming to occur.  That of course make his prophecies effectively unfalsifiable.  He writes:

"Climate system inertia means that it will take several centuries for the eventual extreme global warming mentioned above to occur, if we are so foolish as to burn all of the fossil fuel resources"

Why we should believe the new prophecies when the old ones have failed utterly, Hansen does not tell us.  But we should clearly be most wary of statements that are not only unproven but unprovable.

But Hansen will continue to have fun in his own little world with his assumptions and models -- JR.

More Hansen HERE

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

1 comment:

Doom said...

That of course make his prophecies effectively unfalsifiable.

Not so much. Patience young jedi knight. One only hopes, if his "science" isn't publicly and broadly undone before then, that those who live in that time will properly remember his work as they pray it is true... Assuming the Russians are right. More likely than not, if the Ruskies have it (which I have contended since my own dive into the thing, as it follows my understandings from my own sources), any global warming in 200-300 years will be a heaven send.

Then again, if his work leads to a reduction in those things, he will be just as vilified as all of his contemporaries. Though... that will just be a popular misconception, as global warming is today. Men have no real impact. But they love their superstition, and without God, hate.

All fun and games until the economy that maintains the option for a civil life, which leads to a clean environment, is destroyed seeking... a clean environment... I always say. *grins*


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