Friday, November 29, 2013

Beer Names Allegedly Offend Women

(Lévis, Quebec) A local micro-brewery is receiving complaints from women's groups because of the names of its beers.
With names like “The Hooker” and “La Tite Pute” — the Little Slut – Le Corsaire’s seasonal beers are not a favourite with women's rights groups.

Le Corsaire doesn't limit its unconventional approach to names. On its menu, "La Tite Pute" is described as "an easy girlfriend, light and fruity." Another seasonal beer, the "Vicieuse," is supposedly "an orgy in your mouth."

The brewery's menu also includes a beer called "The Parrot," which comes with a label depicting a nude woman in a bird cage.

The head of Quebec's Council on the Status of Women, Julie Miville-Dechêne, said the names are unacceptable.

"The name La Tite Pute disgusts me," Miville-Dechêne said.

“[Prostitution] exploits women. There isn’t a lot of choice involved, there is a lot of exploitation, a lot of violence. It’s not something we should be laughing about,” Miville-Dechêne said.
Sadly, there are pockets of society that scour businesses and institutions seemingly with the primary purpose of lodging complaints. In this case, there are accusations of exploitation and violence toward women -- because of the labels on bottles of beer. I think it's a stretch.


Wireless.Phil said...

Maybe my Canadian friend can send me a few labels?

Doom said...

Women are notoriously anti-beer anyway. Might as well try to offend them with the labels. It makes most men who drink it that much more pleased about the whole affair. Hmm, how about "bottle opening tite"?

Yeah, baby.


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