Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Education Secretary Disses "White Suburban Moms"

Education Secretary Arne Duncan

(Washington, D.C.)
Education Secretary Arne Duncan has ignited a storm of protest by noting opposition from "white suburban moms" to one of his prized educational initiatives.

In a meeting with state education chiefs Friday, Duncan said some opposition to the Common Core State Standards -- a controversial effort to standardize education -- has come from parents displeased that test results have exposed local weaknesses.

Duncan said he found it "fascinating" that opponents include "white suburban moms who -- all of a sudden -- (discovered that) their child isn't as bright as they thought they were, and their school isn't quite as good as they thought they were."

Duncan apologzied (sic) Monday afternoon for the remark.
Typically, experienced politicians are careful and measured in their public remarks, however, words from the values and biases vault can slip out.

Presumably, Secretary Duncan believes, in his soul, that "white suburban moms" are idiots.

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