Friday, November 14, 2014

Benjy the Gay Bull

(County Mayo, Ireland)
A prized bull procured specially for impregnation of cows on the ranch could soon be sent to the slaughterhouse for failing to “perform.” His inability to perform has now being blamed on his sexual orientation, and the farmer has expressed his exasperation and doomed the poor creature with a death sentence.

The bull, groomed for the explicit purpose of breeding, failed to impregnate any of the fertile cows on a ranch in Ireland. Apparently, Benjy — as the bull is called — showed more of a liking for the other bulls at the farm in County Mayo, Ireland, where he was purchased to inseminate the heifers. The pedigree Charolais beast was expected to take his pick of the female cows. However, routine checks found none of them were pregnant, and that piqued farmer’s suspicion.

The farmer, who doesn’t wish to be named for obvious reasons, at first thought Benjy had performance anxiety, reported Irish Central. He suspected the pedigree bull couldn’t perform in front of crowd.


Tez said...

Hasn't he ever heard of A.I. ????

Wireless.Phil said...

Tez, what does artificial intelligence have to do wit it?

If you mean artificial insemination, spell it out

Besides you'd run the risk of failure or 50/50 more gay cows or bulls.

Tez said...

Phil, as an old Artificial Breeding technician from way back, AI (ie insemination ) rates are comparable to natural inseminations if all things are considered equal. One would suggest the best procedure if you were insistant on using a special bull, particularly a gay one , would be to have the bull milked by an AI centre and then AI the cows ( OZ spellings, not weird Yankee ones)


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