Sunday, February 08, 2015

What the heck is the ADL doing promoting feminist whining?

With Jews under attack worldwide, you would think that the ADL, an organization set up to defend Jews, would have plenty on its plate without departing from its original purpose.  But their constant attacks on Christian observance have made it clear that it is in fact little more than a Leftist organization.  American evangelical Protestants are a major support for Israel so ADL have clearly lost the plot.  What sense does it make for Jews to attack their friends? So I suppose it is not too surprising to see them poking their noses into a matter that has nothing to do with the welfare of Jewry.  They are promoting Common Core lessons in how to recognize sexism in video games! Preamble below

Marketed primarily to boys and men, video games do not have a good track record when it comes to positively including girls and women. Female characters are rarely in the games and, when they are, they are often portrayed in negative, stereotypical and one-dimensional ways. The lack of female characters, the over-sexualization of them and the violence directed against women are just a few of the problems.

Women media critics have called attention to the sexism and misogyny within the gaming world and, in resulting backlash, several of them have become victims of violent threats themselves. Anita Sarkeesian, one of the more well-known media critics, was in the news recently because, when she was invited to speak at Utah State University, she received threats that there would be a shooting massacre if she came. The campus police reportedly told her they could not search people entering the talk for weapons and therefore could not guarantee her safety, so she cancelled.

Over the past several years, Sarkeesian has repeatedly been threatened with rape, violence and murder because of her outspoken analysis of sexism in the gaming world. This advanced high school lesson provides an opportunity for students to learn more about the world of video games, understand how sexism and misogyny are perpetuated in gaming and express their own thoughts about the issue.

More HERE (See the original for links)

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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