Friday, May 29, 2015

Woman Laced Sausages with Needles

(Lübeck, Germany)
A German animal rights activist who hid sewing needles inside sausages at supermarkets has been convicted of causing grievous bodily harm. The 60-year-old said she only wanted to stop people eating factory-farmed meat.

A court in the northern German city of Lübeck on Thursday sentenced the woman to serve a suspended two years in prison for tampering with food and causing grievous bodily harm.
The animal rights activist wanted people to stop eating meat.


Wireless.Phil said...

Recent potato recall in Canada over needles in potatoes.

Wireless.Phil said...

Potatoes with nail, needle found in Atlantic Canada; police ...

3 days ago - Police in separate parts of Atlantic Canada are investigating two possible cases of potato tampering.

Doom said...

I guess they are going to wait until she figures out how to murder people while not getting caught before... huh? Yeah, she will end up murdering people, maybe a lot of them, and possibly no one will even know. Some people cannot be dealt with rationally. What she did was insane, unethical, murderous. But she isn't insane. She'll keep at it.


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