Saturday, April 02, 2016

Warmist fear of the truth

I won't go into details but I had an email conversation a few weeks ago with a woman whom I had last seen in the '70s.  I had a small item that she wanted so I suggested that she call in to pick it up.  She lives only about 15 minutes drive away so that would be no burden.  And she seemed keen to do that.

As part of polite catching up she asked me about my mathematician son.  One of the things I said was that he was like me in regarding global warming as absurd to the point of hilarity.

Since I had last seen her, however, she had become a global warming believer.  So I said that when she visited I would like to show her a graph.  I had in mind the graph at the head of GREENIE WATCH

We closed the conversation shortly thereafter and I have heard and seen neither hide nor hair of her since.  Her interest in visiting me vanished as soon as she suspected that her beliefs would come under challenge.

And when they can't shut us up, that is what the Green/Left do.  They run away.  They HAVE to feel wiser than the rest of us "cattle" in order to prop up their self-esteem.  ANYTHING is better than feeling small and foolish, which is what they mostly are. So when conservatives present evidence to show that their wisdom is wrong, it is very distressing to them.  They just HAVE to shut all that out.  Sad.

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

1 comment:

Doom said...

I'm not into debate. Essentially, I check something myself. In this case, I actually had a number of true climatologist and cosmic scientists, went through their offerings, compared with the 'believers', and came to my position just on raw numbers. But I don't retain a great deal of it, some generalities. It just isn't my schtick. I have a newer friend who is a 'believer'. I have, without being a debater, pretty much shot down every lie he has told. But that doesn't matter. I have offered to get him to a source which would deal with him, but he won't do it. That source, of course, is you.

If a man claims something, but won't debate it honestly, then he doesn't truly believe. He feels the need, or want, to believe, but doesn't believe it or testing it wouldn't be a problem. Actually, that is how I ended up a Christian. :p I was sure God was wrong, and went looking. I was sure I could shut down His side of things. Yeah, I was a... bit nervous about the proposal. And yet, I was so certain. So certain that I lost that debate. Still, I was truly looking for what was the truth. And that was the last place I wanted to look for it. Ran out of other places, which all had failed.


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