Monday, May 31, 2004

Hatred Web Sites Increasing

According to the experts at SurfControl, the number of Internet sites spewing hatred and violence has increased by 26% since the start of this year to just under 11,000 total. The number of U.S.-based hate Web sites rose to 497 in 2003, a 12% increase compared with 2002. Not surprisingly,
Many sites disparage blacks and Jews, said Susan Larson, SurfControl's president of global content. But the company has noticed more anti-Muslim Web sites since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
It's believed that relatively few people frequent hate sites, but they are considered a danger to impressionable children and teenagers. I think prudent individuals should be vigilant in making sure they don't add to the hatred. There's already much more than enough.

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