Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Brits Ban Hunks in Beer Ads

Somebody, please actuate the nanny-state overload alarm. Alcohol ads may no longer feature sexy guys because it makes a connection between drinking and seduction. It's considered to be the cause of binge drinking.

From Timesonline:
Drinks companies have been ordered to hire paunchy, balding men for advertisements to meet new rules forbidding any link between women's drinking and sex. Watchdogs have issued a list of undesirable male characteristics that advertisers must abide by in order to comply with tougher rules designed to separate alcohol from sexual success.
Did you catch that last phrase? "Separate alcohol from sexual success" Come on! Who's kidding whom? Haven't these folks ever been to a honky-tonk? A cocktail has always been known to be a drink representing the combining of cock and tail. That's sexual success!

But there's more. The British Committee of Advertising Practice ruled:
"We would advise that the man in the picture should be unattractive -- overweight, middle-aged, balding etc."
I'm not sure what the 'etc' means, but it sure seems that the Brits are edging towards a prohibition on advertising alcoholic drinks.

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