Saturday, August 18, 2007

Contitutional Right to Sex Change

With socialized medicine, sex change surgery is a constitutional right.
BRAZIL'S public health care system will cover the cost of sex-change operations, the government said, after a federal court ruled the procedure was a constitutional right.

To qualify for health care, the operation will first have to be approved by a panel of doctors, after appropriate psychological and medical evaluations are made of the patient, the Health Ministry said in a statement.

The ruling issued late Thursday by the Regional Federal Court of Porto Alegre, in the south, sided with the Public Ministry's (ombudsman's office) argument that sexual reassignment surgery was a constitutional right, along with human dignity, equality, privacy and health care.
It's interesting that human dignity is also considered a constitutional right. Maybe I haven't read the right books but I don't have any idea how the right to human dignity could be assured when a man stands up and declares,
"I want to be a woman! I want my package lopped off and replaced with a make-shift pouch and I want breasts! Not only that, but I want somebody besides myself to pay for it!"
Jeez! Where's the human dignity in that?

Nevertheless, given the court's decision regarding sexual reassignment surgery, it must be assumed that the constitutional right also applies to sexual reassignment reversal surgery. I recall reading that some people have a post-lop change of mind.

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