Brauch also is alleged to have sent the boy pornography from her home in Huntington Beach. It appears that Brauch began a relationship with the boy playing an Internet game and subsequently traveled 3,000 miles to meet up with the Potsdam boy.
Brauch was charged with rape, criminal sexual conduct and disseminating indecent material to a minor. She was booked into custody with bail set at $50,000. She has been in jail since.
Yesterday, Brauch was indicted.
Kathryn Brauch of Port Huenerne, California was indicted on two counts of 2nd degree Sexual Abuse, two counts of 2nd degree Criminal Sexual Act, two counts of 2nd degree Rape, two counts of Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance, and Endangering the Welfare of a Child on Thursday by a St. Lawrence County Grand Jury. She remains in Jail on $50,000 cash bail.And, there's more trouble since Brauch allegedly mixed it up with another young boy in Potsdam.
Brauch allegedly met the boy through the online game Runescape and began a relationship with him, even sending him a cell phone that they then used to trade pornographic pictures of one another. On July 1st she traveled from California to Potsdam, staying at his home and engaging in sex with the boy.
The boy's mother, 40-year-old Maria A. Conklin of Market Street in Potsdam was charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child for allegedly allowing Brauch to move into their Market Street apartment and pursue a relationship with the boy.
Interestingly, prior to Brauch leaving California, her friends reportedly pleaded with her not to go visit the boy. She didn't listen.
Tip: Don Morgenstern
[Update 12/13/07]
The boy's mother, 40-year-old Maria A. Conklin-Matthie, was sentenced by Potsdam Village Justice Tom Wheeler yesterday to 30 days in the St. Lawrence County Jail for endangering the welfare of a child.
[Update 05/06/08]
Kathryn Brauch pleaded guilty in accordance with an agreement. She gets three years prison and, upon release, three years supervised probation. She must also register as a sex offender. (Sentenced 6/23/08)
The boy's mother, Maria Conklin Matthie, pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of a child for allowing Brauch to sleep with her son. She was sentenced to a month in jail.
I want to know if the mother knew that her son was being raped by that woman bcoz people are saying that the news media have the facts wrong
I want to know if the mother knew that her son was being raped by that woman bcoz people are saying that the news media have the facts wrong
Yes she knew. She let the woman move in.
Yes she knew. She let the woman move in.
Maria is on facebook and youtube with her hubby Wes.
She allowed the sex in her home but if you deep further for the information you will also find out that there are other members of the family prosecuted for rape and child sex offences. There whole family are bad people
Sick ass ppl in this world ...then ppl wonder y its going to hell
Sick sick sick!!!! Breaks my heart. .... Why did she only get 30 days in jail???
You are one sick twisted demented psycho bitch. I would love to run into you in a dark ally.
You are one sick twisted demented psycho bitch. I would love to run into you in a dark ally.
Sick sick sick!!!! Breaks my heart. .... Why did she only get 30 days in jail???
What about the Murder or her Daughter? You are a very sick person and you should be locked up In a asylum somewhere. Cant believe they allow people like you to walk the streets.. Why should you have that choice you sure as hell didn't give your daughter that chance! You are a poor excuse for a human being and its real sad to say a poor excuse of a mother...
I'm like you Cathy what murder are you talking about Ms Bonnie??
That's a different person. That's Marie not Maria.
Maria, you laugh and nothing about this is funny. There's no way I would've allowed my 13 yr old child to be continuously raped by a 22 yr old!
This is Maria the women that killed her child's name was Marie ,its 2 different women,
I think it is the same person. Unless there's a Maria A. Conklin-Matthie and a Marie A. Conklin-Matthie.
I think it is the same person. Unless there's a Maria A. Conklin-Matthie and a Marie A. Conklin-Matthie.
You are one of the most delusionally detached individuals I've ever read about, you as a mother carried that boy nurtured him and you were supposed to protect him not serve him up on a platter to some sick pedophile
You are one of the most delusionally detached individuals I've ever read about, you as a mother carried that boy nurtured him and you were supposed to protect him not serve him up on a platter to some sick pedophile
This cunt reply with a laugh out loud. Maria mattie
Maria can't be Marie.
Marie was arrested in 1998 for killing her 3 year old and stabbing her unborn child. She was still receiving psychiatric care in Orange County in 2010 when she was allowed visitation of her daughter for the first time.
Maria was arrested in 2007 in her home of Potsdam, over 200 miles away from Orange County. Her son would have been 4 at the time Marie killed one child and attempted to kill another. There's no way they would have let her keep custody of a 4 year old son after that and they also wouldn't be keen to reunite Marie with her daughter 3 years after she was arrested for allowing her son to be raped.
They must be different people.
Ok if u have so much info I would like to see court records and arrest records with photo please I have looked and can't find
This is gross.
This is gross.
All I can say is wow.
If you was a parent and a stranger came to travel3'000 miles to stay at your home with your 13 yr old child you would certainly have questions, if it was a man that travelled 3'000 miles to see and move IN with you to be with your 13 yr old daughter that was met on the internet you would raise questions would u not. The whole thing is morally wrong! So upsetting to say the very least and that child has to live with the constabt reminder as his mother is trying to become " facebook famous and youtube sensation !
Get those you tube and FB pages shut down
Maria You are one nasty used up old hag that needs to be locked up ...
You think its funny to allow your son to be molested in your home?
What's funny is some dirty ass toothless cracked out slut like yourself getting all dope up and dancing around thinking she is sexy in a kitchen that looks like it should be condemned!!
You are just a pathetic piece of wortless trash that's no good for anything except sucking the welfare system dry...
My dog takes shits that more relevant in this world then you are...
Sick disgusting uncivilized disgraceful old cunt!!! She needs to be stoned to death for laughing at what she did!!! What a horrible person!! And they make their raunchy videos for the sick kids in ccu at st.judes hospital to cheer them up!! Thats what Wes said in a interview and then a couple of days ago on a video they posted on YouTube saying it was for the kids in the burn unit at st.judes and telling the kids to get up and dance with them and they don't have a burn unit at st.judes is what someone commented! She needs to be locked up for putting st.judes and innocent sick children in her sick mess! What kind of parents would allow their child to watch such disgusting trash like the Matthies???
Sick disgusting uncivilized disgraceful old cunt!!! She needs to be stoned to death for laughing at what she did!!! What a horrible person!! And they make their raunchy videos for the sick kids in ccu at st.judes hospital to cheer them up!! Thats what Wes said in a interview and then a couple of days ago on a video they posted on YouTube saying it was for the kids in the burn unit at st.judes and telling the kids to get up and dance with them and they don't have a burn unit at st.judes is what someone commented! She needs to be locked up for putting st.judes and innocent sick children in her sick mess! What kind of parents would allow their child to watch such disgusting trash like the Matthies???
Omg...don't reproduce...please
Omg...don't reproduce...please
Couldnt of put it better myself mindi..this rat is shocking beyond words..filthy ugly old skanky perveted no mark i hope she rots in hell and some more
If you look up the mugshots of Marie Conklin and Maria Conklin you will see they are two total different people
They're on FB again. https://www.facebook.com/The-Rockin-Matthies-473101126194662/
Everyone should inform their "adoring fans" What kind of person she really is. They all seem to be oblivious.
She also went to prison for killing her daughter but some how got out on being crazy 10 years later. Google her
She also killed her daughter and only served 10 years.
Since a minor was involved the court records may be sealed to protect the minor.
http://www.recordonline.com/article/20000601/News/306019950?start=2 and see where she killed her daughter and stabbed herself while she was carring her other child.
That was a Marie, not Maria
Read a little closer, 2 different people
Dani D u have the wrong Maria. She didnt have a daughter. Thats another lady with almost the same name. She only had a son. Just so u know. :)
Wow even if it is or isn't same lady. Shes doomed now. Because a lot shallow judgemental ignorant people that assume. Judge an jury have been in. . This has to be humiliating but if she dont understand it.Then Its not to her I guess because she apparently hasn't a clue how BAD her life is. Makes you wonder where her parents are. Why they arnt trying to get her help or if alive... All of you judgmental people trashing her should put ir efforts in together an see how to help her instead. Jus a thought. Im not for her but almost pitty her for the ignorant people in the world. Apparently she has mental problems ...
Same lady, look at the court records that aren't sealed and the mugshot.
She is sickening
Go to wesleys page there is a petition to get maria off fb
Here is the thing! People. This lady need help. The family has history of sex abuse. She was molested by her father. For you people calling her names and telling her age is sick and what ever else you want to trash her with words is not going to fix it. She clearly needs help! And someone to help her. I will pray for her and for her son. What a sad story!! You people should do research. Bashing people really doesn't cure the problem! Geesh
Amen I agree
Best comment here. Just sad
Haha bitch is famous cause of all you people.. including myself the more you watch the more you comment the more famous she gets!! Just like that little hood rat cash me outside lmao we make them famous if we make them famous if we Don't go on any of this shit they wouldn't be... And no matter how much you comment and try to get her off the internet it's NEVER gonna happen.. soooo keep making these sick people famous...😂
She didn't have a daughter that's another person
I find it funny that all of you are condemning this woman for allowing her son to have sex with an older woman, yet are probably still the same people who voted for Trump. Who was on trial for rape before he was elected president. I guess its ok for the president just not an average under-educated person with no money. Is that it?
Nicole why has that web page been taken down? And what is it?
That is not the same lady!!!! Maria is the one making the videos on facebook and who has a son. This other lady Marie who killed her daughter is someone else! Read and get your facts straight before you post things that are not correct. That's how rumors and miscommunication gets started. Im not saying that this lady is not wrong for what happend with her Son. But know your facts that's all.
She allowed a strange woman into her home?... And simply put, she's out there!
The lady ur on about is she the lady that does these silly videos, she usto be a man
Dumbest comment I've read yet. Don't try to condone her fucking her kid up for any reason. You are pathetic bitch.
Anyone can make a page like this.where is the point of resource??? Absolute codswallop
Notice how..they put allegedly...in all comments about what she did? That's to cover their a## in case of a law suit. If this scenario or accusation .. Were complete.. Your links you have highlighted..to see the arrest do not work ! No one goes to prison..for 30 days. Felony only in prison.. Ugh
This was a misdemeanor charge. I'm not buying it.
This site is not a news paper..nor do your links work. For what I call #Facts
This picture looks like a 13 year old kid herself...which no offense..but I work on facts and found...NOTHING
I think if you were this..serious..go do a background check..then post a link to her ACTUAL Charges
Or you are the one..breaking the law
Felony and misdemeanor offenders can be housed together if there is only one women’s facility for a given area. There are more men’s facilities than women’s. For example, I have no felonies but I’ve been to prison (York Correctional Institution in Niantic, CT USA) 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, all misdemeanors. I was housed with all types of offenders doing anywhere from 30days to ten, 20 years, even life. York is a level 4 prison compound, and the only female facility in the state of Connecticut. There are no county jails for females. Sentenced and unsentenced offenders are housed in the same facility, although in different areas. Alternatively, a lot of people use the terms “jail” and “prison” interchangeably. Just saying.
As I sat watching this video...several things ran through my head. Wondering if it is supposed to be some sort of goof for a laugh? Or does this lady really believe that she is sexy? I laughed....I cringed...I asked myself "Why are you still watching this"? I realized that its like a horrible accident. You know its BAD but you still cant help but to look!! Then I thought...Aahhh God Bless Her. Shes having fun and shes not hurting anyone. She dont care what people think or say....and actually found myself wishing that I had the ability to think that way sometimes!! Then somehow got to reading some comments and stumbled upon the horrible article about what she allowed to happen to her son as well as the article about killing a daughter. I have also read that its 2 different people. Either OR...BOTH stories/situations are HORRIBLE!! Whichever woman this is....she looks like shes really out there!! BUT...all in all...she must not be as stupid or out there as people believe her to be!! She is making these silly videos and getting THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of views and followers. If her You Tube account is monetized....shes making a small fortune just for acting silly on video!! Another reader commented about how they are trying to shut her down. All of the ranting people are doing to try and get her shut down are just fueling the fire and making her more money!! All kinds of people have very weird fascinations with all kinds of twisted things. Posting those newspaper articles about her "personal" life gives this woman and her silly videos "Depth" and character that just draws people in. Its just like they always say..."Theres no such thing as BAD publicity"! People are subscribing and keeping an eye out just to see what she will do next! All of which is just more money in her pocket!!
Nasty white slutty trash should have go prison for allowing her son to be raped. Wonder how much she got paid by that woman pervert.
I agree 💯%
I agree she should not be allowed to be on their dancing around half-naked or have a Facebook and YouTube account. She is a convicted child molester I know if I was the one who was over Facebook I would not allow convicted rapist to be advertising videos half naked than anyone can see and that she can interact with including children! SMH there needs to be some type of petition started to get her off of Facebook
No bashing her does not solve the problem! But I do not feel that she should be on Facebook dancing half naked where she can interact with children! I feel for her if she was molested no I take that back I do not feel for her there are a lot of people have been molested or right and do not go out and commit the same crime that's even more of a reason not to do it! Jmo
Most of these comments are ignorant. I wonder, do any of you actually fact check before posting bs? Damn, just leave the woman alone! If she wants to have fun and dance around like an idiot, let her! Its her, not you! Mind your own damn business. If none of you want to see her videoes, then block her damn pages! Simple as that! Here's a little information for some of you...no, she didn't kill her daughter or stab herself while in prison. She doesn't have a daughter. That is a completely different person with a similar name. She only has one child. A son. And no, shes not a child molestor that has to register as a sex offender. Her 13 year old son met a 22 year old woman online and started a "relationship". She was charged with child endangerment for letting that woman come and stay in her home. Was only sentenced to 30 days in jail. All of this happened 20 years ago. She did her time, its done and over with. Instead of bitching and moaning about Maria, just keep scrolling when you see one of her videos or hit block. Stop being so damn negative.
LOL @ She used to be a man!
U said she is on drugs how can she afford it she says she has no money
How can she afford drugs
People absolutely go to prison for 30 days...sometimes less. I work in one, I know.
Tracy Maynard no they dont have the wrong person it is the very same sick individule
Why does YouTube Keep letting her do these videos? There is no commercials on her Channel. Making them no money. And her videos some of them are downright out raunchy inquiring minds want to know?
She has people on YouTube. That feel sorry for her and send her money and gifts
They are different people! They lived in 2 different locations in NY state. Also,her son wasn't raped...he willingly had sex with the woman but he wasn't old enough to consent to have sex.He was under the legal age which is 17 in NY state.
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