Saturday, September 08, 2012

King Canute thinks he can control the weather


"And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet – because climate change is not a hoax. More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke. They’re a threat to our children’s future. And in this election, you can do something about it"


"President Obama -- who once declared his presidency would result in 'the rise of the oceans beginning to slow' -- now wants us to believe voters can help regulate the weather by supporting his re-election. Obama's declaration that “you can do something about” droughts and floods and wildfires is akin to medieval witchcraft.

For any confused voters out there, Climate Depot reminds them that acts of the United Nations and the U.S. Congress or EPA, cannot control the weather. The president of the United States may be able to command great armies, but he cannot control the climate or command better weather.

Even Nancy Pelosi recognizes Obama cannot control the weather. 'The Democratic leader said the weather is 'a higher power' that the president can't control. 'There are some decisions that are made from a different place and whether it rains or not is not in the president's control.'

Amen! Pelosi clearly has more scientific acumen than President Obama.

Despite President Obama's claims, Co2 is not controlling temperatures and current global temperatures are well within natural variability. In addition, the latest scientific studies and data reveal that droughts, floods and wildfires and extreme weather are not currently unusual or unprecedented."

More HERE (See the original for links)

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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