Mikhail Kalashnikov, b.1919 - d.2013

Mikhail Kalashnikov
(Izevsk, Russia)
Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the most famous assault rifle in the world, has died at the age of 94.Kalashnikov died after a prolonged illness.
The weapon he designed became a symbol of revolutionary struggle, a favourite prop in photographs for guerrilla leaders and presidents, a key part of the armoury of many states and was even included in some national flags.
The former tank mechanic, who had been suffering from heart problems in the last few years, died in the town of Izevsk, the same place where the Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947 (AK-47) was first produced. He is expected to be given an official funeral with dignitaries from the Kremlin attending.
Meh. I hear they are going to shove him into mud for a week, drive over him with tanks, do a bonfire over him, then dig him up in a week and put him back to work. So I hear.
I think you have this confused with Obamacare..
Nah. Zerocare didn't work to start. Nothing can help that. Me, an AK, it's maker, sure... But not Zerocare.
Merry Christmas Doom..
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