Happy New Year!
Semiautomatic pistols rechamber a bullet with each pull of the trigger, so a user can detach the magazine, believe the gun is empty, pull the trigger and only then discover that a live round was in the chamber. Under SB 489, new models of rim-fire semiautomatic pistols introduced to the California market after Sunday must have a disconnect mechanism to prevent firing when the magazine is removed. These models generally fire .22-caliber ammunition.Existing handguns, future person-to-person sales, and new models of shotguns, rifles and revolvers are exempted from the law.
New center-fire semiautomatics after New Year's Day must be equipped with either a magazine disconnect mechanism or a chamber load indicator that warns of an unspent round. These models typically use 9 mm and other such rounds.
In one year - by January 2007 - all new center-fire models must contain both safety devices.
[A] woman in California called police to report that an intruder broke into her home and added pornography to her computer.I guess this would be a case of trespassing and pornographic tampering. Uh ... just a thought. What would be the response if a guy made the claim that someone broke into his house and left porn on his computer?
The woman in Fremont said she woke up and was startled to see a stranger typing away on her computer. Police said the intruder fled, but left behind an altered screen saver that featured erotic images.
Nothing was reported stolen.
At least eight people have been killed and 45 hurt by a bomb blast at a market in Indonesia's Central Sulawesi province, police say.In another report, Central Sulawesi police chief Brigadier General Oegroseno said, "Up until now, the number of victims is 60. From that 60, 53 are injured, seven have died."
Witnesses in the town of Palu reported seeing bodies lying on the ground after hearing a deafening blast.
The bomb exploded in the busy morning hours at a stall selling pork in a largely Christian part of the town.
A quote in a fake news release that was intended as an April Fool's joke ended up in a front-page story in the Los Angeles Times. The story in Tuesday's editions of the Times noted how successful the reintroduction of wolves had been 10 years ago, but said the predators remained controversial.Lauter also said, "We hate when this kind of thing happens." I don't know why. It's consistent with the new 21st Century MSM philosophy, "Fake but accurate."
"In Wyoming, for example, Gov. Dave Freudenthal last April decreed that the Endangered Species Act is no longer in force and that the state 'now considers the wolf as a federal dog,' unworthy of protection," the story read.
The Times printed a correction Wednesday, acknowledging that the news release was a hoax.
"The reporter saw it on the Internet and had talked with the governor in the past, so she was familiar enough with the way he talks and writes that she thought it sounded authentic, and she didn't check, which she should have," Times Deputy Metro Editor David Lauter told the Casper Star Tribune.
The case started about two weeks ago, when a woman living in a Texas City apartment found a videotape in her kitchen cupboard. After putting the tape in her VCR, the woman called police to report that someone apparently had left child pornography in her residence.Police tracked Hinds to South Carolina and he was brought back to Texas to face the charges against him. Thankfully, the sick bastard was stupid enough to leave evidence of his crimes. Hinds faces a posible 99 years in prison on the aggravated sexual assault charge alone. He could get 20 years each for the other three charges.
The tape showed a man engaged in various sex acts with a boy, 4, and a 9-month-old girl. Investigators said they captured a still image of the man’s face from the tape and showed it to the manager of the apartment complex. The manager identified the man in the picture as the previous occupant of the woman’s apartment.
A 57-year-old Mississauga man was killed yesterday morning after the oxygen tank he was hooked up to in his Bloor St. apartment ignited and exploded while he smoked a cigarette.Fortunately, he was able to pull the fire alarm, allowing evacuation of the building.
The victim, David Grightmire, was hooked up to the oxygen tank because he had emphysema.
Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne continues to break new ground as the head of a publicly traded company. In a single TV interview last week, he shocked investors by revealing that holiday sales were far below expectations, perplexed the financial crowd by talking about drugs and dead bodies being found in his trunk and initiated a verbal war with billionaire blogger Mark Cuban.Now, disappointing sales figures can usually be dealt with rationally by changing the method of operation. Customers have noticed flaws. These have included the failure to effectively track orders, an unresponsive customer service system, and periodic web site outages. But fixing the administrative weaknesses won't do anything to address the problem of having a screwy CEO in Patrick Byrne.
This latest round of gaffes adds to a tradition for Byrne that includes admitting that he lied about being gay and a coke-head to financial analysts and initiating a program to uncover a "Sith Lord" seeking to ruin Overstock.Yes, a Sith Lord is leading a mysterious group of short-sellers in a conspiracy engineered to cripple Overstock. Byrne claims the Sith Lord will use the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) to get him.
"Some of the officials are monsters. You'll probably read a headline that I was stopped with drugs or a dead body."First, it's probably not a good idea to talk trash about the FCC and the DoJ. It might aggravate them into looking at your operation, with or without the Sith Lord's input.
Vladimir Arutunyan is accused of throwing a hand grenade at Bush and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili while they were addressing a public audience on Freedom Square in central Tbilisi on May 10. The grenade did not explode.So, with his mouth sewed shut, he can't talk. And, presumably, he can't eat. And, it's his choice. Uh ... I don't see a problem.
Arutuynan was arrested in Tbilisi on July 20 after a shootout with Georgian police that resulted in the death of Col. Zurab Kvlividze, the head of the Georgian Interior Ministry's counterintelligence department.
The defendant came to the court hearing on Tuesday with his mouth sewed up. He claimed earlier his rights were violated.
The 25-year-old worker at pro-Palestinian rights group Al Mezan, identified by British media reports as Kate Burton, was showing her visiting parents around the town of Rafah when they were bundled into a car and driven away, residents said.The British consulate confirmed that the kidnappings occurred, likely by a group known as the Black Panthers, an armed offshoot of the Fatah movement.
There was no public claim of responsibility, but police sources said officials were in talks with the kidnappers in the hope of securing the hostages' release by early Thursday.
Standing silently at the center of a raging controversy over whether he is a quack or a miracle worker, Dr. Totada R. Shanthaveerappa faced his accusers in federal court Tuesday.I don't know where Dr. Shanthaveerappa received his training but I'm sure he wasn't taught to administer herbicides to humans in any reputable medical school. However, since he comes from India, I speculate that it's possible he picked up some innovative home remedy tricks during his formative years on the subcontinent.
The diminutive 70-year-old Stockbridge doctor is charged with defrauding insurance companies by claiming he used orthodox medicines when he was actually using chemicals found in weedkiller to treat cancer patients and others. He quickly made bond and was released after making his first court appearance.
Outside the courthouse, defense attorney Don Samuel praised the Indian-born doctor's "pioneering efforts to save people's lives."
"He is making people's lives more bearable," Samuel said.
"That's why history is so fascinating, because we keep revising it."I wish it was a joke. (via The Owner's Manual)
Iraqi police have shot dead several prisoners in a shoot-out at a Baghdad military base after one prisoner grabbed a weapon from a guard and opened fire, Interior Ministry officials and police sources said.The prisoners were on a morning recreation break at al Adala base - also called Camp Justice - in the northern Baghdad neighborhood of Kadhimiya. Three prisoners are believed to have escaped. The al Adala prison houses suspects accused of major crimes, including terrorism.
Up to six guards were killed, one police source said, before security forces began firing into the unarmed prisoners.
There was confusion over casualty figures.
Another police source and an Interior Ministry official initially said more than 20 prisoners were killed but a second official insisted there were 15 casualties in all, some only wounded, and that these included one dead guard and one wounded officer.
"My closet door was open. My underwear was taken," one student said. "My DVDs were taken, My DVD (player) was taken. My mattress was thrown."The thieves are at large. Anyone with information is asked to call the Columbus Police at (614) 645-4659.
"They took only women's things and they went through our underwear, they went through everyone's underwear," another student said.
Even in locked bedrooms, doors were broken down and underwear drawers were ransacked.
Eleven Moroccans were detained in sweeps of the allegedly nascent terrorist group believed to have links to a radical Islamic movement, the official Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) news agency reported on Tuesday, citing unidentified police officials.Details of the arrests were not released but it is known that the group was active along the Moroccan borders with Algeria and with Mali.
Its alleged leader, Mohamed Said Idghiri, was described as a militant in a radical Islamic group with international ties.The Moroccans appear to be dedicated to eliminating terrorist operatives within their country which, unfortunately, isn't true for all countries.
He was detained on returning from secret paramilitary training in the border area, with plans to carry out attacks, MAP said but did not elaborate.
"It's appalling -- it's really astounding," said Michael Gorman, president of the American Library Association and a librarian at California State University at Fresno. "Only 31 percent of college graduates can read a complex book and extrapolate from it. That's not saying much for the remainder."According to Schneider, the assessment simply determined the ability to read, not understanding complex subject matter.
While more Americans are graduating from college, and more than ever are applying for admission, far fewer are leaving higher education with the skills needed to comprehend routine data, such as reading a table about the relationship between blood pressure and physical activity, according to the federal study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics.
Experts could not definitively explain the drop.
"The declining impact of education on our adult population was the biggest surprise for us, and we just don't have a good explanation," said Mark S. Schneider, commissioner of education statistics.
On December 2, the Liberal candidate for Mississauga-Erindale, Omar Alghabra, made his victory speech after winning the nomination. In that speech, he reportedly exhorted his audience, "This is a victory for Islam! Islam won! Islam Won! ... Islamic power is extending into Canadian politics."Mississauga, part of the metropolitan Toronto area, apparently has some citizens that are not thrilled by Mr. Alghabra's statements.
Alghabra's victory speech was delivered to an audience of several hundred in the Coptic Christian Centre of the Church of the Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius in Mississauga.
Victor Fouad, a Coptic Christian, was disturbed to hear of such Islamist rhetoric from a Liberal who could easily become a Canadian parliamentarian. Mr. Fouad assumed that Paul Martin would likewise disapprove of such incitement by a Liberal candidate, and so wrote to the Prime Minister detailing what had happened. That message was ignored. The event took place over 2 weeks ago, and Paul Martin's silence since that time can only be interpreted as approval of Mr. Alghabra's rhetoric.Considerable controversy has erupted regarding Alghabra's acceptance speech. He apparently denies ever saying anything about Islam. People in attendance assert that Alghabra did herald his nomination as a victory for Islam.
"I was surprised that Prime Minister Martin showed no interest in such a dangerous mixing of religion and politics," said Mr. Fouad. "Since he has said nothing about it and this candidate is still representing the Liberal Party of Canada, I have to assume that Alghabra has the endorsement of the Prime Minister."
"We all know that fascism used this symbol for its purposes. This symbol therefore carries negative connotations for many...[but] we should not limit ourselves to only one interpretation."The authorities want the swastika to gain newer, positive connotations and popularize Aryan contributions to the history of the world civilization. My hope is that international pressure comes to bear on Tajikistan to reconsider its decision on the swastika.
Al Qaeda in Iraq yesterday said it had abducted and killed three Arab women and an Arab man working for US authorities and the Iraqi government. A statement posted on the Internet carried pictures of four identity cards and said it had carried out "God's judgement."It's not clear that the victims were Iraqis. The women's faces were blacked out in the web posting, which has not be authenticated.
The new law will allow increased video surveillance in public areas including airports and places of worship.It's appropriate to emphasize the scope of the law. French authorities are going to be placing video surveillance equipment in mosques! French authorities are going to monitor Internet and telephone communications! They are also going to detain suspects for longer periods of time to allow for adequate intelligence gathering! Sacre Bleu!
Police will also be given more time to question terrorist suspects and to check internet and telephone records.
A BANNED and suspected drink-driver who didn't give police a breath test told them he had got behind the wheel because he was the least drunk of the people in the car.Heh.
"We aren't trying to sell ourselves, but we wanted to address important issues, like how women athletes are depicted sexually, and gender roles in sports," said team member Alia Kate. "It's about our empowerment as both women and athletes."The hope is that people will be drawn to the photos and then think seriously about the statements.
London's Metropolitan Police identified the man as Adel Yahya, 23. He was arrested Tuesday at Gatwick Airport as he got off a flight from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Yahya is accused of conspiring with Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27, Yassin Omar, 24, Hussein Osman, 27, and Manfo Kwaku Asiedu, 32, for trying to bomb three subway trains and a bus. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful.
He was charged with conspiring with four other men -- all of whom are awaiting trial over the plot to attack three subway trains and a double-decker bus -- "to cause by an explosive substance, explosions of a nature likely to endanger life or cause serious injury to property."
"the policies, procedures and/or practices of the National Security Agency for gathering information through warrantless electronic surveillance and/or warrantless physical searches in the United States …"…. Information received by the organization will be made public on its Web site.In other words, open the doors and let us see all your files regarding how the NSA operates.
BENTONVILLE -- A formal rape charge was filed Wednesday against a 42-year-old Bentonville woman accused of performing oral sex on a 13-year-old boy.
Donna Sue Mars of 12132 Deer Drive was also charged with exposing another person to the human immunodeficiency virus, a Class A felony. She is to appear for arraignment Jan. 23 before Benton County Circuit Judge David Clinger.
"I don't know how I am going to take care of my patients. Some are dying right now."Maybe it's the killer weed.
A week ago, U.S. Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd found four pieces of Lodi property and the owners, all relatives of Hayat, to be "suitable and sufficient" to secure Hayat's release to home confinement on $1.2 million bail.The appeal is contained in a 60-page document which will be countered by papers filed by Hayat's attorney, Johnny Griffin III. Prosecutors insist that Hayat is a flight risk and a danger to the community. It's believed that the security offered is insufficient to prevent him from fleeing to Pakistan. Judge Burrell will be asked to hear arguments Friday.
Drozd stayed Hayat's release for seven days to give prosecutors an opportunity to appeal to U.S. District Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr. Prosecutors filed their appeal shortly before midnight Monday, the seventh day.
Alcohol is also the most profitable bootleg item, explained Muhammad and several other booze-brokers interviewed in this half-deserted border town of bootleggers and security agents.Hmmm ... a clever mule outwits Iranian Border guards? And, all the while, Iran is enriching uranium. I get the willies just thinking about it.
A sniper's rifle, an AK-47 and magazine clips droop from the walls of the hut-like artwork. Muhammad, an ethnic Kurd and a Peshmerga, or a Kurdish militiaman, said the weapons are for fighting Ansar al-Islam, an antigovernment Kurdish Islamic terrorist group. A bribe of a few dollars - which he called "tips" - and a clever mule are the best defenses against Iranian border guards, he explained.
"Iran is a good country, but we have a very bad government. We have no freedom, no satellite TV, no justice," said Ali Reza Dodelband, 42. Shivering in a jeans-jacket, he stood just feet from the official border crossing, gathering a crew of stout porters to carry about three tons of tea across the border.Heh.
He would like to move from Iran to Iraq, "then I want [US President George W. Bush] to bomb Iran. Tell Bush he must bomb the -," Dodelband then pantomimes the wrapping of a turban over his combover, referring to Iran's clerics.
Witnesses in northern Gaza say the teachers were on their way to a private school that follows the American curriculum for the last day of term before Christmas holidays.School officials confirmed that both had been kidnapped and the school had informed the Dutch and the Australian embassies. Police have initiated a search for the two men.
"They were intercepted by between two to three other cars and then taken away," said a witness.
The PFLP has said the abduction was to pressure the Palestinian Authority to release leaders jailed in the West Bank town of Jericho for killing an Israeli cabinet minister in 2001.So, oops! They found out that their hostages weren't American nor British and released them. This shows that the terrorist groups typically don't have many deep thinkers.
The PFLP leaders are guarded under U.S. and British supervision.
"This is our first message, first to the Authority and secondly to the Zionist, American and British enemy. Our message is not directed to the peoples of the two hostages," said a PFLP statement in Gaza.
Proton pump inhibitors include Prilosec, Prevacid, and Nexium among others. H2 blockers include drugs such as Zantac, Pepcid, and Tagamet. These are the main medications offered to people suffering from stomach acid problems such as gastritis, GERD (acid reflux disease), or heartburn.The research team was headed by Dr. Sandra Dial at McGill University. The study is reported in this week's issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Derbez said he was confident the bill would not make it past the U.S. Senate, which he said was not as easily swayed by ever-changing political opinion as the House.Oh, really? There will be a battle but I'm not so sure it will be reasonable.
"The great battle will be in the Senate of the United States where people are more reasonable," he said.
Islamic terrorists in Indonesia are plotting to kidnap high-ranking officials, including foreigners - apparently shifting away from suicide bombings, the intelligence chief said Tuesday.Also, according to Siregar, a terrorist website gave instructions last month on how to shoot foreigners in the streets of Jakarta or throw grenades at motorists stuck in traffic in the car-clogged city.
"They have a change in plan, such as to kidnap certain figures, especially influential ones, it could be foreigners or our officials," Syamsir Siregar, the head of the State Intelligence Agency, told reporters after meeting the president. He did not elaborate.
"For being shrewd about doing good, for rewiring politics and re-engineering justice, for making mercy smarter and hope strategic and then daring the rest of us to follow."Now, I'm up for shrewdly doing good and I think most people are also, in their own ways. But for the life of me, I'm lost about rewiring politics and re-engineering justice. And when it comes to understanding smarter mercy, or strategic hope, my reaction is, "What the hell does that mean?"
Human Rights Watch, a group based in New York, said in a report on Monday that detainees were kept in total darkness and were tortured and mistreated by American and Afghan guards in civilian clothes.Apparently, any time one of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners opens his mouth, it becomes an international scandal.
The facility, called by the inmates the "Dark Prison", was run near Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, Human Rights Watch said in its report, which was based on the testimony of several detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who said they were held there.
According to the report: "Some detainees said they were shackled in a manner that made it impossible to lie down or sleep, with restraints that caused their hands and wrists to swell up or bruise.As a result, Human Rights Watch has called for an investigation by a special prosecutor to determine the extent of criminal liability for U.S. government personnel and officials.
"They were chained to walls, deprived of food and drinking water, and kept in total darkness with loud rap, heavy metal music, or other sounds blared for weeks at a time."
Interviews with consumers of raw milk from Dee Creek Farm have turned up five more people sickened with E. coli, public health officials said Saturday.Disturbingly, the consumption of raw milk has also become a fad in Arizona even though people there have become sickened by salmonella contamination.
The new cases bring the total sickened to 17 people, including two children still in critical condition. None of the cases announced Saturday discovered in three children and two adults required hospitalization, officials said.
A Cowlitz County judge had ordered farmers Anita and Michael Puckett to turn over the names of 45 families who obtained raw, or unpasteurized, milk from the Woodland farm.
Raw milk smuggled in from California has become a black market product in Arizona since the only dairy producing it in-state was shut down.The profile of the typical raw milk enthusiast hasn't been reported but I suspect it's probably the vegetarian, organic food only, environmentalist, 60s hippie-type individual, likely on welfare.
The Arizona Republic reports buyers have organized groups and milk is being shipped into the state by Federal Express.
"It's like heroin right now," said Tony Spaltro, a manager at Gentle Strength Co-Op in Tempe.
After the Dec. 26, 2004, tidal wave swept across the Indian Ocean devastating coastal communities in 12 countries, Egeland urged the world to help those who had lost everything, saying many of the richest countries were "far too stingy" in helping the poorest.Okay, fine. As one of the UN's senior kleptocrats, Egeland is expected to beat the bushes for more cash. However, he didn't stop there. This time around, Egeland criticized American household spending.
Egeland did not use the word "stingy" again, but he said he still was dissatisfied with the response to helping the world's less fortunate.
"North American pets get more investment per month than we have money for all our humanitarian operations in the world."Now, I don't think it's fair to link pet ownership with humanitarian aid, but one thing is certain. When North Americans spend money on their pets, there is considerable assurance that the pets will benefit. On the other hand, when money is given to the UN, there is little confidence that the intended recipients will ever see a nickle's-worth of benefit. The only certainty is that from now until the Sun turns into a red giant, the UN will have its hand out while complaining that wealthy nations are cheapskates.
Skirt-chasing playboy Daniel Anceneaux spent weeks talking with a sensual woman on the Internet before arranging a romantic rendezvous at a remote beach -- and discovering that his on-line sweetie of six months was his own mother!So, with a tip of the Stetson to Willie Nelson: "Mama, don't let your baby grow up to be a keyboard cowboy. Especially if you're putting your cowgirl carcass into the corral."
"I walked out on that dark beach thinking I was going to hook up with the girl of my dreams," the rattled bachelor later admitted. "And there she was, wearing white shorts and a pink tank top, just like she'd said she would.
"But when I got close, she turned around -- and we both got the shock of our lives. I mean, I didn't know what to say. All I could think was, 'Oh my God! it's Mama!' "
But the worst was yet to come. Just as the mortified mother and son realized the error of their ways, a patrolman passed by and cited them for visiting a restricted beach after dark.
"Danny and I were so flustered, we blurted out the whole story to the cop," recalled matronly mom Nicole, 52. "The policeman wrote a report, a local TV station got hold of it -- and the next thing we knew, our picture and our story was all over the 6 o'clock news. "People started pointing and laughing at us on the street -- and they haven't stopped laughing since."
Police and prosecutors contend Lambert, then 17, targeted the young women in his new school almost from the moment he arrived a week after classes began in September.Subsequently, race was introduced as an element in the situation.
He faces five misdemeanor counts of sexual misconduct and endangering the welfare of a child in Bethlehem Town Court. On Friday, he also was accused in a sealed indictment of one felony count of a first-degree criminal sexual act and endangering the welfare of a child.
Older brother Glen Lambert, 24, said he believes the allegations are racial backlash from white parents who knew their daughters were having sex with the young black man and didn't want it known in the upscale bedroom community.The Lambert case will likely attract media attention. This is unfortunate since Albany County is only now recovering from the embarrassment of the Beth Geisel teacher-student sex scandal.
The first official move to refuse surgery happened last month when a local health authority in Ipswich, northeast of London, announced that obese people would not be given hip and knee replacements.Obviously, as the first to be jettisoned, hip and knee surgery for fat people is the least important of all medical procedures.
Dr. Brian Keeble, head of public health for Ipswich, acknowledged that while the added risks of hip and knee surgery on obese patients were a factor in the move, so was the reality of limited resources.This action by the NHS makes me wonder what category of medical conditions will be dropped next. I would guess mental health conditions or eating disorders or chronic back problems. Of course, I'm assuming that the socialized medical care system in Britain will continue to have significant budget shortfalls.
"We cannot pretend that this work wasn't stimulated by pressing financial problems," Keeble said in a statement of the list of services being reduced to save money, with joint replacements being the most controversial.
Keeble added that given the increased failure rate of the procedures on overweight people, the limited amount of money available is better spent on slimmer patients.
The new guidance has been sent out internally and tells journalists: "The guidelines do not ban the use of the word. However, we do ask that careful thought is given to its use by a BBC voice. There are ways of conveying the full horror and human consequences of acts of terror without using the word 'terrorist' to describe the perpetrators."So, apparently it's okay to describe the terrorism as long as the word 'terrorism' isn't used. Also, whoever is responsible for bad stuff that happens shouldn't be described as 'terrorists.' Therefore, instead of stating, "A terrorist bombed the crowded school bus," it's more appropriate to state, "A man created full horror and human consequence on a crowded school bus." And, the guidance continues.
"Careful use of the word 'terrorist' is essential if the BBC is to maintain its reputation for standards of accuracy and especially impartiality ... that does not mean we should emasculate our reporting or otherwise avoid conveying the reality and horror of what has occurred; but we should consider the impact our use of language may have on our reputation for objective journalism amongst our many audiences ... we must be careful not to give the impression that we have come to some kind of implicit - and unwarranted - value judgement."Blah ... blah ... blah. That last paragraph reads like gibberish. However, that's not all there is.
The edict reminds BBC staff of the existing BBC editorial policy, which states: "The word 'terrorist' itself can be a barrier rather than aid to understanding. We should try to avoid the term without attribution. We should let other people characterise while we report the facts as we know them."Boiled down, the substance of the new policy is to avoid using the term 'terrorist' and practice hedging the wording of all reports. My interpretation? "Forget accuracy, be political."
"We should not adopt other people's language as our own. It is also usually inappropriate to use words like 'liberate', 'court martial' or 'execute' in the absence of a clear judicial process. We should convey to our audience the full consequences of the act by describing what happened. We should use words which specifically describe the perpetrator such as 'bomber', 'attacking', 'gunman', 'kidnapper' 'insurgent' and 'militant'."
The new guidance suggested using words such as "bomb attack" instead, or "bomber" or "assassin". [sic all]
"Under the cover of the international non-governmental organization Al Haramein Islamic Foundation, he organized a terrorist cell in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia," the FSB reported. During the last few years Al Seyf was a chairman of the so-called shariah courts committee of the self-proclaimed Chechen republic of Ichkeria. He was reportedly informed of all the appointments made within the armed groups. He received and distributed all the money for terrorist activity inside Russia, the FSB report said.Notice that Al Seyf started his cell network under the auspices of an NGO, the Al Haramein Islamic Foundation. By extension, it's probably reasonable to assume that NGOs are also being used as al Qaeda fronts elsewhere, say, in the U.S.
The security officials claim Al Seyf took part in the planning and preparing of terrorist attacks, and extremist religious and political propaganda.